<% id=request("id") page=request("page") block=request("block") %> INNO BOARD Ver 1.3 <% if session("login")<>admin_name then UpdateSQL = "Update inno_notice Set visit = visit+1 where tb='"&tb&"' and id="&id db.Execute UpdateSQL end if SQL = "SELECT * from inno_notice where tb='"&tb&"' and id = " & id Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open SQL,db %> <% id = rs("id") title = rs("title") content = rs("content") writeday = rs("writeday") visit = rs("visit") tag = rs("tag") num = rs("num") filename = rs("filename") filesize = rs("filesize") down = rs("down") if filename="none" then filename="" filesize="" end if if tag = "tag_ok" then title = CheckWord(title) content = CheckWord(content) else title = replace(title,""","'") content = replace(content,""","'") end if %>

<% If board_type="bbs" and filename<>"" then %> <% end if %>
ÆÄ ÀÏ ¸í <%=filename%> (size : <%=down%>/<%=filesize%> Byte)
³¯ Â¥ <%=writeday%> Á¶ ȸ <%=visit%>
<% if session("login")=admin_name then %> <% end if %>
<% Rs.Close db.Close Set Rs = Nothing Set db = Nothing %>